HUM + BUZZ RECORDS » 4 Results
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ikonika - i make lists - hum + buzz records - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - HBR 005 - 65851 - BassIkonika returns with the 'I Make Lists EP', the first full extended release since her 2010 debut al.. » more
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dro carey - candy red / hungry horse - hum + buzz records - €8.50 - Vinyl
US12'' - HBR 003 - 61185 - BassOn side A, 'Candy Red' places hypnotic other worldly vocals with interlocking melodies, stuttering p.. » more
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optimum - light year / ds-10 - hum + buzz records - €4.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - HBR 002 - 58863 - BassLabel-cofounder Optimum’s first solo release for the imprint. Somewhere between Zomby and Uncle Lu.. » more
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ikonika - aqueous cream / ampersand - hum + buzz records - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - HBR 001 - 56514 - BassTwo track 12" from this nightslugs, Planet Mu, Lucky Me recording artist - the flip has a 4/4 colla.. » more