LARRY » 9 Results
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gwen mccrae - poyson (victor rosado remix) - larry - €13.99 - Vinyl
US12' - LARRY 12 - 64427 - DiscoMore rare stuff and paradise garage classics - Victor Rosado mixes
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tim curry / paradise garage - tribe / smoke pt. 1 - larry - €12.50 - Vinyl
US12' - LARRY 11 - 50837 - DiscoMore rare stuff and Paradise Garage classics from the desk of legendary DJ and producer Larry Levan!
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yvonne fair - it should have been me - larry - €9.50 - Vinyl
US12' - LARRY 10 - 45300 - DiscoHeavy soul track! Comes in two version plus the great pschychedelic novelty track "The're Coming To .. » more
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larry levan - and now a little bit of larry, l. levan mix / slow to speak mix - larry - €9.50 - Vinyl
US12' - LARRY 09 - 41140 - DiscoGreat Larry Levan cut with insane electronic bassline. The edit on the flip comes from Slow to speak.. » more
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larry levan - welcome home, grand high priest mixes - larry - €9.90 - Vinyl
US12'' - LARRY 08 - 34991 - DiscoDon't really know who Grand high priest is, but this label has the tradition of releasing hard to ge.. » more
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larry levan - bad for me/ medley - larry - €11.99 - Vinyl
US12'' - LARRY 07 - 32464 - Disco - Paradise Garage / LoftThe A side on this white has a Medley, which was a birthday present to Larry Levan in 1980. On the .. » more
View All 'LARRY LEVAN' - View All 'LARRY' - View All 'Paradise Garage / Loft'
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gwen guthrie - hopscotch / getting hot - larry - €9.90 - Vinyl
US12'' - LARRY 06 - 30524 - DiscoTwo sought after Larry levan mixes from early to mid 80's from Gwen Guthrie. Also features some voca.. » more
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larry levan - somebody else's .. / cannonball - larry - €9.50 - Vinyl
US12'' - LARRY 05 - 27841 - DiscoWhitelabel. L Levan mixes from on one side Jocelyn Brown's 'Somebody elses guy' and on the other sid.. » more
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larry levan - don't leave me this way (instrumental) - larry - €9.50 - Vinyl
US12'' - LARRY 03 - 21524 - DiscoLarry Levan unreleased rare instumental mix of this classic. B/w many NYC known accapella's