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high voltage - rock, spank, freak - queen constance - €9.99 - Vinyl
UK12'' - 87-87 - 107005 - Disco11.00 minutes of Michael Campbell / Peter Brown produced Disco fury!
wayne ford - dance to the music freakout - queen constance - €9.99 - Vinyl
UK12'' - 99 - 106434 - DiscoDripping in funk, raw and soulful. Essential stuff for anyone with even a passing interest in disco .. » more
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licky / dream lovers - african rock - queen constance - €9.99 - Vinyl
UK12'' - 92-92 - 104776 - DiscoKiller reissue of sought after tunes by Licky / Dream Lovers.
high fidelity - s/t - queen constance - €13.99 - Vinyl
UKLP - 98 - 104647 - DiscoReissue of this in demand disco LP. Holds some strong cuts - 'Magic Carpet' ao !
cloud one - doin' it all night - queen constance - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12" - LP 4545 - 96414 - DiscoRepress of the essential and hard to find "Cloud One - Doin' It All Night/ Dust To Dust" from 1979, .. » more
chain reaction - dance freak - queen constance - €16.50 - Vinyl
US12'' - QC 707 - 91198 - DiscoRepress of this funky disco track that has all the elements of a party anthem; a favorite of vetera.. » more
cloud one - atmosphere strut (new disco version - remix - 1979) - queen constance - €16.50 - Vinyl
US12'' - LP 4646 - 90478 - DiscoThis Extended Disco-Mix from 1979 (On Queen Constance) retains all the qualities that made Atmospher.. » more
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ella hamilton - i'm gonna fool you b/w inst. - queen constance - €9.50 - Vinyl
US7' - QC 478 - 49158 - Funk / Soul - Funk 45'sGreat funk track by Ella Hamilton with the Don Willis Spoon Band on this 7". Instrumental on the fli.. » more
View All 'ELLA HAMILTON' - View All 'QUEEN CONSTANCE' - View All 'Funk 45's'
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v/a - peter brown presents sounds of new york vol 1 - queen constance - €19.90 - Vinyl
US2LP - CQ 710-1 - 35313 - Hip HopClassic early 80s hip hop compilation featuring Family, Willie Wood, Master Jay, CC Crew, Teen Machi.. » more
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cloud one - funky disco tracks - queen constance - €19.99 - Vinyl
USLP - LP 4040 - 30270 - Funk / SoulReissue from this hard to find New york disco album. Produced by Patrick Adams & Peter Brown (P&P), .. » more