dam-funk - rhythm trax vol 4 - stones throw - vinyl

STH 2207-1 - 48578 - uslp - €14.99
New Copy
Genre: Disco
1. Red
2. Black
3. Silver
4. Sunset
5. Purple
6. Indigo
7. Gold
8. Chocolate

Stones Throw's artist Dam Funk has earned status as the "ambassador of boogie funk," and his second teaser from his 2009 debut is volume 4 of the popular "Rhythm Trax" series. Dam's expert use of analog synths and old school drum machines with a modern dancefloor aesthetic makes him one of the most exciting artists around. 8 brand new tracks here , somewhere in between Mtumbe's 'Juicy fruit', eighties Prince drum computer sounds and eighties electro, in one of James Pants' signature hand-drawn jackets !