WAX POETICS RECORDS » Starting with C » 3 Results
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chico mann - ya yo se - wax poetics records - €11.50 - Vinyl
US12' - WPR 011 - 56814 - AfricanChico Mann’s synthesis of Afrobeat, Latin freestyle, electro, and Cuban soul is nothing if not unp.. » more
chico mann - analog drift - wax poetics records - €17.50 - Cd
USCD - WPRCD 010 - 56532 - AfricanThe sounds of Africa have taken multi-instrumentalist Chico Mann�aka Marcos Garc�a�al.. » more
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chico mann - analog drift - wax poetics records - €17.99 - Vinyl
US2LP - WPRLP 010 - 56531 - AfricanThe sounds of Africa have taken multi-instrumentalist Chico Mann—aka Marcos GarcÃa—all over the.. » more