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antigone - rising - token - €27.99 - Vinyl
EU2LP - TOKEN 88LP - 106343 - Techno / ElectroFor Rising, Antigone manages to oscillate between great ambient introspections carried by spacey syn.. » more
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antigone - ostinato - token - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - TOKEN 75 - 98423 - Techno / ElectroAntigone returns with Ostinato for Token75.
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antigone - time enough at last - token - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - TOKEN 068 - 93782 - Techno / ElectroAntigone joined Token in 2015 with his double EP 'Cantor Dust' and returned again earlier this year .. » more
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antigone - saudade ep - token - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - TOKEN 59 - 88299 - Techno / ElectroAfter last years 'Cantor Dust', Antigone now returns to Token with a new EP, both wistful and dreaml.. » more
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antigone - cantor dust - token - €13.99 - Vinyl
EUDO12'' - TOKEN 53 - 83599 - Techno / ElectroAntigone debutes with the 'Cantor Dust' EP, a 2x12" that showcases his musical versitality,from spac.. » more
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arrestar - thoughts & emotions - token - €9.50 - Vinyl
EU12" - TOKEN 12 - 51685 - Techno / ElectroArrestar, hailing from Brussels, is the second Belgian artist releasing on Token with IDM/techno tra.. » more