ACIDO RECORDS » 26 Results
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svn - 2006 - 2014 - acido records - €13.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 028 / 28000 - 107149 - Techno / Electrofloating, warm Techno goodness
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v/a - my house is not your house iii - acido records - €18.50 - Vinyl
EULP - ACIDO 027 / 00027 - 104273 - HouseThe Acido family in full effect: leftfield, lo-fi Acid, ace Ambient trips, Disco vibes & more!
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porn sword tobacco - 2017 - acido records - €22.50 - Vinyl
EUDO12'' - ACIDO 026 / 00260 - 97911 - HouseAudiophile presentation of dreamy, dubby pulsating ambient beauties
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dresvn - acido 025 - acido records - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 025 / 00250 - 96031 - HouseBecome a slave to Dresvn�s groove & get seduced by irresistible house pulses
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pg sounds - versions - acido records - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 024 / 00241 - 93155 - HouseWarm subs driven, house & downtempo jams
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v/a - my house is not your house ii - acido records - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 023 / 00123 - 92023 - HouseFlipping the script & keeping it fresh - a great compilation feat. the Acido family in full & for go.. » more
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convextion - acido 22 - acido records - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12" - ACIDO 022 / 22220 - 90594 - Techno / Electro - ElectronicsHaunting soundscapes with a blend of vintage electronics. Check!
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department d'education physique - musique improvisee - acido records - €15.50 - Vinyl
EULP - ACIDO 021 / 01221 - 85453 - Techno / Electro - ElectronicsPure, side long Outer-Space-Electronica
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dynamo dreesen, svn & a made up sound - acido 020 - acido records - €11.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 020 / 22030 - 85086 - Techno / ElectroPulsating, outer-space -Jazz/ Techno hybrids rooted groove excursions..
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karl lukas pettersson - acido 019 - acido records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 019 / 19000 - 80932 - House1980s Wave/Electro Disco leaning tunes
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v/a - my house is not your house - acido records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 18 / 71636 - 79626 - HouseAcido in full effect: leftfield House, down-tempo & electronica jams.
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s.p. posse - acido 17 - acido records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 17 / 00017 - 76733 - HouseArchaic & refreshing at the same time - outsider house related groove adventures - Check !!
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dresvn - acido 16 - acido records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 16 / 00016 - 76732 - HouseOriginal, mesmerising house with on the flip a Sotofett Jungle-revival treatment - Recommended!
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dreesvn - woodlandscene - acido records - €11.50 - Vinyl
EULP - ACIDO 008 / 62637 - 73285 - Techno / ElectroMini album from original raw Chicago house to atmospheric chilled electronics
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v/a - soundtracks for no film vol. 2 - acido records - €11.50 - Vinyl
EULP - ACIDO 015 / 69339 - 73283 - Techno / Electro - ElectronicsDiverse electronica/ambient mini album in true Acido style !
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dresvn - acido 14 - acido records - €11.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 014 / 69300 - 73279 - HouseLovely executed, excellent 4 track house 12 !
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tase - acido 13 - acido records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 13 / 28882 - 70507 - Techno / ElectroSubmerged, floating leftfield techno & electronic excursions!
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v/a - soundtracks for no film vol. 1 - acido records - €10.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 012 / 29292 - 70368 - Techno / Electro - ElectronicsDiverse Electronica/Ambient mini album in true Acido style - TIP!
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dynamo dreesen - back in the mists of time - acido records - €11.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 011 / 67264 - 68603 - HouseDreesen in full effect - stripped down, pure, warm original house tracks!
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transilvanian galaxi - you always have been the caretaker - acido records - €11.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - ACIDO 010 / 65896 - 65772 - HouseCinematic, vintage electronica leaning left field house. Check!