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kora jazz band - kora jazz band & guests - celluloid - €19.99 - Vinyl
EULP - 006622 - 62869 - JazzAfter producing three albums as a trio, the Kora Jazz Band has doubled its numbers and taken on Manu.. » more
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kora jazz trio - part iii - celluloid - €16.99 - Vinyl
EULP - 006612 - 66166 - JazzKora Jazz Trio is a three piece African musical group, founded in 2002 by Djeli Moussa Diawara, best.. » more
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kora jazz trio - part two - celluloid - €19.50 - Vinyl
EULP - 67060 - 42479 - JazzTheir second album; a session that mixes African instruments with some straighter piano jazz grooves.. » more