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v.a. - hotflush back and 4th - hotflush recordings - €13.99 - Cd
UK2CD - HFCD 005 - 59216 - BassFeatures ten brand new exclusive tracks from bass music’s most innovative producers including: dB.. » more
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mount kimbie - crooks & lovers - hotflush recordings - €14.99 - Cd
UKCD - HFCD 004 - 55199 - BassMount Kimbies sound and response to the dubstep moment is very much their own, and this album is a t.. » more
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scuba - triangulation - hotflush recordings - €13.99 - Cd
UKCD - HFCD 003 - 54092 - BassScuba finds his bearings amidst the pillars of dubstep, garage, techno and electronica on his outsta.. » more