Cd » DEF JAM » 5 Results
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the roots - how i got over - def jam - €16.50 - Cd
USCD - B001308502 CD - 55443 - Hip HopThe Roots release their 9th studio album (and third for Def Jam Recordings). The album, which takes .. » more
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the roots - rising down - def jam - €16.50 - Cd
USCD - l-DEFJAM 11138CD - 45504 - Hip Hop"Rising Down marks the 10th Album released by the legendary Roots Crew. The darkly funny, politicall.. » more
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kanye west - graduation - def jam - €19.90 - Cd
USCD - BCD 000954102 - 42078 - Hip HopBrand new Kanye West with 14 tracks featuring T-Pain, Lil Wayne, Mos Def, Dwele and Premier.
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the roots - game theory - def jam - €21.50 - Cd
USCD - BCD 0007222 - 36652 - Hip HopNew album from the The Roots! 13 soul driven hiphop tracks featuring the likes of Jazzyfatnastees, D.. » more
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ghostface - fishscale - def jam - €18.90 - Cd
USCD - B 0006155CD - 34204 - Hip HopNew album from this Wu-Tang member. A total of 25 tracks & skits, featuring the likes of Notorious .. » more