Vinyl » SKULL DISCO » 9 Results
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shackleton - soundboy's bones get buried in the dirt vol 2 - skull disco - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 005 - 62882 - BassShackletons tracks have been getting a caning from the likes of Kode 9 and N Type on Rinse FM, even .. » more
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shackleton - soundboy's bones get buried in the dirt vol 1 - skull disco - €7.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 004 - 62881 - BassShackletons tracks have been getting a caning from the likes of Kode 9 and N Type on Rinse FM, even .. » more
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applebim / shackleton - soundboy's ashes get chopped out and snorted - skull disco - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 006 - 62167 - BassSplit release between Applebim and Shackleton - repressed!
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shackleton & applebim - soundboys gravestone gets desecrated by vandals - skull disco - €18.50 - Vinyl
UKDO12'' - SKULLRMX 001 - 48458 - BassPressed on marbled grey vinyl containing some dark and grimey dubstep tracks. Limited vinylpacks, ge.. » more
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shackleton - soundboy's suicide note - skull disco - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 010 - 47406 - BassDeep digital dub poetry by Shackleton!
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applebim & peverelist - circling - skull disco - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 008 - 44567 - Basstwo tracks of experimental dubstep on this label from the UK.
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shackleton - death is not final, t++ mix - skull disco - €9.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 009 / 55996 - 44479 - BassFor the 9th release in the Skull Disco series we see Shackleton teaming up with Tenfold Vengeance an.. » more
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shackleton - soundboy's nuts get ground up proper - skull disco - €9.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 003 / 50942 - 41660 - BassShackleton's skull label kicks it off propper with this hauting dubstepper..!
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shackleton - blood on my hands, villalobos mix - skull disco - €10.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - SKULL 007 / 53777 - 39972 - Techno / ElectroTwo Ricardo Villalobos mixes from this track, part one on the A side, part 2 on the flip.