Vinyl » TRUNK » 19 Results
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klaus weiss rhythm & sounds - time signals - trunk - €23.99 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 063LP - 95746 - Funk / SoulThis hectic mix of dark drums with plugged-in, way-out, funked-up studio gear has been high on libra.. » more
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v/a - britxotica goes east! : persian pop and casbah jazz from the wild british isles!' - trunk - €19.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 059LP - 90699 - World - MiscA breathtaking follow-up to the successful Britxotica! LP takes us on a magic carpet ride to a place.. » more
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v/a - britxotica!, london's rarest primitive pop and savage jazz - trunk - €22.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 057LP - 87473 - Wave / Pop / RockHere’s a collection of amazing far-flung sounds from the UK. Rare, wild and just itching to turn y.. » more
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alan jefferson - galactic nightmare - trunk - €32.50 - Vinyl
UK2LP - JBH 056LP - 84619 - Techno / Electro - ElectronicsA home made 86 minute epic space adventure, conceived, written, played, sung and illustrated by an a.. » more
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kenny graham - the small world of sammy lee ost - trunk - €21.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 051LP - 75694 - SoundtracksThe beautiful unreleased jazz score to the classic Anthony Newley 60s Soho underworld thriller, reco.. » more
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v/a - classroom projects/ incredible music made by children in schools - trunk - €21.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 049LP - 73511 - Wave / Pop / RockTrunk presents a beautiful compilation of rare and brilliant music made by children in schools. The .. » more
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seasons - radiophonic workshop - trunk - €22.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 043LP - 63984 - Techno / Electro - ElectronicsOriginally issued in 1969, The Seasons has become almost mythical over the last few years. With its .. » more
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rick jones - fingerbobs, original television music - trunk - €19.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 042LP - 62998 - SoundtracksToo many people who grew up near a British television in the 1970s and 1980s, Fingerbobs was a curio.. » more
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barry gray - stand by for adverts - trunk - €18.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 039LP - 60040 - SoundtracksBarry Gray is probably best known for his collboarations with Thunderbirds man Gerry Anderson, and t.. » more
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basil kirchin - primitive london / the freelance ost - trunk - €18.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 038LP - 57732 - SoundtracksTrunk Records continue their quest to unearth the finest nuggets from esteemed composer Basil Kirchi.. » more
the jellies - jive baby on a saturday night - trunk - €11.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - TTT 006EP - 56418 - Wave / Pop / RockA limited repress of a long-lost post-punk single from 1981!
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kenny graham - moondog and suncat suites - trunk - €17.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 036LP - 54721 - JazzBy 1956, the early New York street recordings of the great Moondog had reached British shores. His p.. » more
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tristam cary - its time for tristan cary - trunk - €18.99 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 035LP - 54111 - SoundtracksNineteen track compilation album featuring inventions and musical experiments of British/Australian .. » more
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john baker - the john baker tapes - trunk - €17.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 030LP - 47447 - SoundtracksVinyl pressing bringing together the finest tracks from the 2 retrospective John Baker CD's. He was .. » more
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herbie hancock & others - hear o israel; a prayer ceremony in jazz - trunk - €18.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBHLP 025 - 45854 - JazzFANTASTIC! Reissue from this very rare, privately pressed album from the late sixties. At the time i.. » more
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the vernon elliot ensemble - ivor the engine - trunk - €18.90 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBH 027 LP - 43093 - SoundtracksMore lovingly researched, restored, compiled and mastered historical music from the fantastic Trunk .. » more
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michael garrick - moonscape - trunk - €18.90 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBHLP 022 - 41013 - JazzRecorded in London in 1964, ‘Moonscape’ is pianist Michael Garrick's first album. Musically the .. » more
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sven libaek - inner space - trunk - €18.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBHLP 020 - 37360 - Funk / SoulThe UK label Trunk presents the lost film music of Sven Linbaek. The recordings here were produced b.. » more
john cameron - psychomania ost - trunk - €21.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - JBHLP 002 - 22577 - SoundtracksA timely repress of the 1973 score to this British cult biker classic AKA The Death Wheelers. Origin.. » more