Cd » DUDLEY PERKINS » 3 Results
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dudley perkins - holy smokes - e1 music - €14.99 - Cd
USCD - EMCCD 9760 - 51052 - Hip HopNew album by former Stones Throw funk hopper Dudley Perkins , entirely produced by Georgia Anne Muld.. » more
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dudley perkins - expressions (2012 a.u) - stones throw - €20.50 - Cd
USCD - STHCD 2136 - 34720 - Hip HopThe 2nd album following on the 'A Lil Light' debut by this singer/MC also known as Medaphoar. 13 smo.. » more
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dudley perkins - a lil' light - stones throw - €16.50 - Cd
USCD - STHCD 2067 - 21830 - Hip HopThis Dudley Perkins album on Stones Throw is produced by Madlib. 16 blunted hiphop tracks 16 tracks .. » more