Cd » MARCOS VALLE » 8 Results
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marcos valle - previsao do tempo - light in the attic - €16.99 - Cd
USCD - LITA 093CD - 67971 - Brazil2013 marks Marcos Valle’s 70th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Brazilian native’s debut.. » more
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marcos valle - vento sul - light in the attic - €8.99 - Cd
USCD - LITA 092CD - 67969 - Brazil2013 marks Marcos Valle�s 70th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Brazilian native�s.. » more
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marcos valle - garra - light in the attic - €17.50 - Cd
USCD - LITA 091CD - 67967 - Brazil2013 marks Marcos Valle�s 70th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Brazilian native�s.. » more
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marcos valle - marcos valle - light in the attic - €8.99 - Cd
USCD - LITA 090CD - 67965 - Brazil2013 marks Marcos Valle�s 70th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Brazilian native�s.. » more
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marcos valle - trilha sonora original - som livre - €19.90 - Cd
BRACD - 0243 2 - 35251 - BrazilThe rare soundtrack for Brazil's version of Sesame Street in the 70s.
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marcos valle - the essential marcos valle - mr bongo - €16.50 - Cd
UKCD - MRBCD003 - 32808 - BrazilA great compilation of the work of brazilian composer/arranger/singer Marcos Valle. 13 tracks, inclu.. » more
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marcos valle - previsao do tempo - emi - €13.50 - Cd
EUCD - 724347311628 - 32727 - BrazilReally nice songbased album with seventies production featuring electronic organs like Moog. Amongst.. » more
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marcos valle - braziliance! a musica de marcos valle - emi - €13.50 - Cd
EUCD - 724347311420 - 32726 - Brazil11 instrumental versions of Marcos Valle tracks here, produced an arranged by Eumir Deodato. Incl. t.. » more