SAMULI KEMPPI » Starting with S » 5 Results
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samuli kemppi - stories in bx ep - technorama - €9.50 - Vinyl
EU12" - TR 012 - 94441 - Techno / Electro3 slices of no nonsense techno, including remix from dutch Tripeo aka Darko Esser.
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samuli kemppi - exomemory ep - nonplus - €11.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - NONPLUS 035 - 90808 - Techno / ElectroNonplus 035 passes the torch to Finnish producer Samuli Kemppi who’s built a solid back catalogue .. » more
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samuli kemppi - the observer effect - m rec ltd - €31.50 - Vinyl
EU2LP - MRECLTDLP 01 - 80288 - Techno / ElectroSinister techno doublepack, leaning towards a more experimental sound. Check!
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samuli kemppi - last day on earth - suicide circus records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - SCR D004 - 72775 - Techno / ElectroSo here we go now, after releases on labels such as Prologue, Mote Evolver and Perc Trax, Samuli Kem.. » more
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samuli kemppi - voyager - chronicle - €11.99 - Vinyl
US12' - EVENT 004 - 69956 - Techno / ElectroWith a techno career stretching nearly a decade, Finland’s Samuli Kemppi was invited to do a relea.. » more