Vinyl » SYNKRO » 10 Results
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synkro - acceptance - r & s records - €17.99 - Vinyl
UK2LP - AMB 1301 - 97659 - Techno / ElectroInitially coming from a background in the musically raucous worlds of 2 Step and Garage, Synkro has,.. » more
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synkro - memories: 2008-2011 - apollo - €10.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - AMB 1701 - 95614 - BassFollowing Synkro AKA Joe McBride 2015's debut album 'Changes', Apollo Recordings presents a collect.. » more
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synkro - transient ep - apollo - €11.50 - Vinyl
EU12'' - AMB 1415 / Q04897 - 81134 - BassNostalgia filled dubstep EP. The A-side is especially Reminiscent of Burial.
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synkro - acceptance - apollo - €18.50 - Vinyl
EUDO12'' - AMB 1301 / M03319 - 69019 - BassEight tracks from this producer, known for his releases on his own label, Z-Audio, Styrax and the li.. » more
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synkro - presence, questions, memory - styrax records - €9.99 - Vinyl
EU12'' - SYNKRO - 62491 - BassThree beautiful dubstep/ambient techno tracks by Synkro!
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synkro - stop & think ep - millions of moments - €9.50 - Vinyl
EU12" - MOM 027 - 62432 - BassSynkro's signature of this EP, slinkier double Garage motions, in a deep house vein with pitching R&.. » more
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synkro - viewpoint / she said - pushing red - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - RED 006 - 60025 - BassSynkro swings up on the latest Pushing Red release, backed by a collaboration with Versa. Flowing so.. » more
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synkro - everyday - synkro - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - SYNKRO 002 - 52545 - BassSecond release on his self titled imprint with two emotional tracks. "Everyday" and the Burial-eske .. » more
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synkro - autumn - synkro - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - SYNKRO 004 - 52544 - BassJoe Synkro steps out with three more future garage tools on his self-titled imprint. Vast melancholi.. » more
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synkro - music makers (bar9 remix) - z audio - €9.50 - Vinyl
UK12' - ZAUDIO 011 - 49381 - BassThe darkest star in Z-Audio's constellation comes correct again with focussed intent on 'Music Maker.. » more