DARKSTAR » 11 Results
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darkstar - foam island - warp - €28.50 - Vinyl
UKLP - WARPLP 258 / Q87772 - 86182 - Wave / Pop / RockDarkstar's third studio album Foam Island
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darkstar - hd7 / remix ep 2 - warp - €12.50 - Vinyl
UK12'' - WAP 357 / P08084 - 74101 - BassThe second in a series of remix 12"s, each limited to 1,000 pieces worldwide - featuring two Darksta.. � more
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darkstar - 01484 (mcde remix) - warp - €10.50 - Vinyl
UK12'' - WAP 356 / M76458 - 73004 - HouseThe first in a series of remix 12"s, each limited to 1,000 pieces worldwide - comes with a MCDE mix!.. � more
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darkstar - news from nowhere - warp - €27.50 - Vinyl
UK2LP - WARPLP 225 / L97322 - 68941 - Wave / Pop / Rock - Folk (tronics)After his 'North' album, here's Darkstar's second album, now for Warp. It’s somewhat brighter in .. � more
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darkstar - timeaway - warp - €9.99 - Vinyl
UK12'' - WAP 339 / L88462 - 68021 - Wave / Pop / Rock - Folk (tronics)"Timeaway" stands as a culmination of the band's history to this point, as well as a significant vau.. � more
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darkstar - gold - hyperdub - €7.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - HDB 043 - 57402 - BassComes with the original on the A side and a deephouse remix by John Roberts on the flip!
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darkstar - north - hyperdub - €17.50 - Cd
UKCD - HDBCD 006 - 56639 - BassDarkstar in 2010 are an upgraded model of the Darkstar which released the much loved single 'Aidy's .. � more
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darkstar - north - hyperdub - €18.99 - Vinyl
UKLP - HDBLP 006 - 56630 - BassDarkstar in 2010 are an upgraded model of the Darkstar which released the much loved single 'Aidy's .. � more
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darkstar - aidy's girl is a computer - hyperdub - €7.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - HDB 028 - 52498 - HouseBeautiful, warm electronic music on the A side that features the original track. The flip has a remi.. � more
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darkstar - aidy's girl is a computer - hyperdub - €7.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - HDB 028 - 52342 - BassBeautiful, warm electronic music on the A side that features the original track. The flip has a remi.. � more
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darkstar - need you / squeeze my lime - hyperdub - €7.99 - Vinyl
UK12' - HDB 010 - 45131 - BassTwo tracks on the ever forward thinking Hyperdub label, this time round adding vocoders in the mix.