Cd » CHICO MANN » 3 Results
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chico mann - magical thinking - soundway records - €14.99 - Cd
UKCD - SNDWCD 051 - 68971 - AfricanMember of Antibalas, multi instrumentalist and guitarist Chico Mann drops his 5th album against a ba.. » more
chico mann - analog drift - wax poetics records - €17.50 - Cd
USCD - WPRCD 010 - 56532 - AfricanThe sounds of Africa have taken multi-instrumentalist Chico Mann�aka Marcos Garc�a�al.. » more
chico mann - manifest tone vol 1 - kindred spirits - €9.99 - Cd
EUCD - KS 017 CD - 36848 - AfricanChico Mann is the brainchild of Antibalas' guitarist, Marquitos Garcia. Armed with his childhood Cas.. » more