helena hauff - a tape - dark entries - vinyl

DE 149 - 95890 - us2lp - €26.50
New Copy
Genre: Techno / Electro
1. C45p
2. Hdowed
3. For I Am Dead
4. Pps
5. Tape7
6. Split Scission
7. Ff297-3
8. Btdr1123
9. L# #l
10. $§"$43
11. 29acid3
12. Yyh

'A Tape', a double LP of early work by Helena Hauff, a DJ and record producer based in Hamburg, Germany.Previously only released on tape - now available as doublepack vinyl!
At university she studied fine art, physics, and systematic music science. She previously was a resident at Hamburg's Golden Pudel Club, where she hosted a night called Birds and Other Instruments. As a selector she weaves energetically between electro, new wave, and EBM. Her music, often recorded live in one take, has a raw intensity to it. She debuted with an EP on Werkdiscs back in 2013 followed by records for Lux_Rec and Bunker sublabel Panzerkreuz as well as two collaborative EPs for PAN, produced under the name Black Sites with fellow Pudel resident f#x.

unit moebius
vectors 3
power vacuum
welcome to para..
safe trip
to andreas gehm
midnight shift