v/a - xmas vol.4 - the final chapter - liquorish records - tapes

? - 94756 - eutape - €9.99
Genre: Hip Hop
1. BoogieMann - No Deposit No Return
2. Traxman & Dj Fred - Let Me Do My Thing
3. DJ C-Bit - We Juke Dis Xmas
4. C_DR_C - Where The F*ck is the Snow
5. Kubus - Arpieparpie11
6. ETEVLEH - Seppuku
7. J(ay).A.D - Sing 2 Me
8. Kubus - Arpieparpie11
9. Noam Kamal - Chosen
10. Eight-Oh-Hate & Lauw - Pulse X-mas
11. Track 11
12. Track 12
13. Track 13
14. Track 14
15. Track 15

Limited tape edition of 2015's Xmas Vol.4 - Final Chapiter