the violet hour - ultraviolet - cocktail d'amore - vinyl

CDA 015 - 94268 - eu12" - €9.99
New Copy
Genre: House

Discodromo's CockTail D'Amore label continues to turn out the goods after an especially productive year, rounding things off by reaching out to The Violet Hour for a 12" that should worm its way into a wide variety of party scenarios. "One Morning In The Future" is an emotive slice of synth-led electro that will surely shine through for those who want a romantic start to the night, while "Ultraviolet" sports a throbbing bassline that could easily see its disco tones edged into a more house-oriented set. "Prisoner Of Love" is more lean in terms of arrangement, but the dubby FX processing lends it a psychedelic quality that will go down a treat in the early hours of the dance.