den sorte skole - cowboys & indians (2lp + 32 page booklet) - private press - vinyl

DSS 007 - 87302 - uk2lp - €33.99
New Copy
Genre: Wave / Pop / Rock
1. Stone
2. Kalaidon
3. El Chark
4. Humani
5. No More
6. Lowmax
7. Osian
8. Tunchi
9. Heli Yosa
10. Borders
11. Anima
12. The Caucus
13. Trouillet

From middle‐eastern dancehall madness, freaky jazz experiments and heavy dub psychedelics to beautiful piano trips, dark machine raids and spaced‐out tribal traumas. From here to there – out there, and everywhere.
This is the sound of Danish sampling duo Den Sorte Skole's 78‐minute album, Indians & Cowboys. Here, forgotten musicians from our common musical treasury come together to jam in a global ghost‐orchestra crossing time and space.
Indians & Cowboys follows Den Sorte Skole’s monumental sample‐based 90-minute/3xLP album Lektion III from 2013 ‐ a magnum opus that was hailed by The New Yorker as one of the “5 best overlooked albums worldwide in 2013”, earned them the Danish Critic's Composer of the Year 2014 award, and spawned them a rapidly growing international following.
Den Sorte Skole's strictly sample‐based methodology is taken into even more extreme territories on Indians & Cowboys. With an immense amounts of samples, even finer stitched collage work, even more diverse musical energies and a renewed complexity of composition derived from their continuing work as composers in residence at the National Danish Chamber Orchestra, this is arguably the most ambitious sample‐based album ever made.
For their live concerts, Den Sorte Skole brings along their long-‐term partner, the acclaimed Danish visual artist group Dark Matters. Together they create an extraordinary audio‐visual experience, which was picked out by several French media as one of the highlights of the Les Transmusicales Festival in December 2014. “Magical” was the words by Le Figaro and Quest France described it as the “most beautiful show at the Transmusicales since Kraftwerk”.
Indians & Cowboys is self‐released by Den Sorte Skole and – again! ‐ with no samples cleared. However, all sample‐credits will be fully listed in the album‐cover. Why, one might ask? Because in today’s copyright‐regime it would be impossible to clear the amount of samples involved in Den Sorte Skole's work and because they insist on challenging a system built by big businesses in favour of mainstream artists and big record companies. And more importantly, by revealing their sample-sources and playing with their cards open, Den Sorte Skole hopes to pass on knowledge, credit and interest to the forgotten musicians upon whose shoulders Den Sorte Skole - and the rest of the music business - stand, build and create