xiii - no (the relative effect of explanation) - gang of ducks - vinyl

GODREC 0012 - 83262 - uk12' - €13.99
New Copy
Genre: Techno / Electro
1. Laguna
2. Call Trigger Gloom
3. Batten Down the Hatches
4. Eurovision
6. Empires (feat. Sabla)
7. Oracl1 (feat. Traag & Sam Hooker)
8. Santo (feat. Vaghe Stelle)
9. Frgle

No (THe reLATIVe eFFecT oF eXPLIcATIoN) is XIII’s first album, artist close to the Gang. Modular synth sessions along with vocal samples, munky drums and delay jams create an obscure journey, suspended between a primitive analogue world and the depths of a cybernetic one.
Pads and harmonious weavings somewhere in between Wanda Group and Robert Turman and Actress' style beats.
An introspective tale unties itself along 9 tracks, 3 of which are featuring with artists who have been important to the Gang's journey so far, Traag, Vaghe Stelle and Sabla, who help in delivering a whole picture of what the philosophy behind the label is.