efdemin - decay - dial - vinyl

DIALLP 030 - 76301 - eu2lp - €24.99
New Copy
Genre: Techno / Electro
1. Ohara
2. Solaris
3. Transducer
4. Parallaxis
5. Decay
6. Track 93
7. The Meadow
8. Some Kind Of Up & Down Yes
9. Drop Fram
10. Subatomic

Efdemin is back on Dial Records with his third full-length album Decay, following his self-titled debut in 2007 and Chicago, in 2010 !
It marks a big step towards the deeper side of techno and lets many of his early influences in 90s techno shine through (from early Cologne minimalism, M-plant and Axis to Terrence Dixon) as well as his love for drone music.