den sorte skole - lektion iii - 3lp + 40 page book - unknown - vinyl

UNKNOWN - 76106 - uk3lp - €36.50
New Copy
Genre: Techno / Electro - Electronics
1. Sample

Two years in the making and featuring literally thousands of samples garnered from over 250 records hand plucked from over 51 counties on 6 continents this is Lektion III from Den Sorte Skole (The Black School) !
A Copenhagen based DJ/production collective founded by Simon Dokkedal, Martin Fernando Jakobsen (on leave since 2011) and Martin Højland in 2003, these musical magpies have left no stone unturned and no genre unrifled in their sonic quest - scouring a myriad of genres and styles their sound is a testament to a depth of knowledge and understanding as record collectors and vinyl vutlures that too few possess in this readily available digital age.