barry gray - space: 1999 - rca - vinyl

ABL 1422LP - 65021 - uslp - €14.50
New Copy
Genre: Soundtracks
1. Theme From Space 1999
2. Breakaway
3. War Games
4. Deaths Other Dominion
5. Dragons Domain
6. Collision Course
7. End Credit Theme
8. Space 1999 Theme (Reprise)
9. Mission Of The Darians
10. Black Sun
11. End Of Eternity
12. A Matter Of Life And Death
13. Earth Sound
14. The Last Sunset

Original soundtrack recording of the television show starring Martin Landau and Barbara Bain. Barry Gray, "a specialist in electronic music... has created intriguing, weird sounds, using at times several electronic music instruments, to transport listeners into the world of the uncharted-unknown.