tobias - leaning over backwards - ostgut tontrager - vinyl

OSTGUTLP 09 - 59968 - eu2lp - €18.50
New Copy
Genre: Techno / Electro
1. Girts
2. Party Town
3. Voices Told Me To Do That
4. Skippy
5. Zero Tolerance
6. Free No. 1
7. Leaning Over Backwards
8. Observing The Hypocrites
9. The Key
10. She Still Calls Me Mister
11. We Stick To The Pain
12. Now I Know

Versatile album from Tobias for the Ostgut label; including club tracks (�skippy�, �party town�, �we stick to the plan�), occassionally an ambient or drone-like atmospheric track (�zero tolerance�, �observing the hypocrites�) or hybrids like the title track.
Tobias. creates a style of techno that is as far away from steam roller kick drums and the rules of functionalism as it is from being facticious.