v/a - cambodja rock spectacular vol 2 - lion productions - vinyl
LION 112LP - 57618 - us2lp - €21.50New Copy
Genre: Wave / Pop / Rock
1. Thra Kha band - Do You No Wrong Again
2. Tet Somnang & Meas Samon - Khnyom Jah Karake
3. Pan Ron - Pros Chang Reiy
4. Ros Srerysothea - Tonight, Dance
5. Ros Srerysothea & Houy Meas - Gon Som Meri Kon Mdong (Please Just One More Movie, Daddy)
6. Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Sereysothea - Jet Snaeh Theang Nov
7. Pan Ron - Pail Loung Rom (Go To Dance)
8. Ros Srerysothea - Oun Chong Rom Leng Ning Bong (I Wanna Dance With You)
9. Houy Meas - Pralkol Sene Eoui Oun Venh
10. Pan Ron & In Yeng - Srolanh Oun Jea Nich (I Love Mean Girls)
11. Sinn Sisamouth & Ros Sereysothea - Yuvachon Yuvatey Samai Timai (New Generation Youth)
12. Pan Ron - Tgnai Nih Reabka Khnyom (Today My Friends)
13. Sinn Sisamouth - Satt Thee Thuy
14. Thra Ka Band - Saravan Jun Penh Boromey (feat Keo Sokha)
15. Sinn Sisamouth - Srau'aem Dong Steung Songkae
16. Ros Srerysothea - Bong Rau Roub Khnyom
17. Sinn Sisamouth - Duang Netra
18. Choun Malai - Jomreang Oun Chreang
19. Pov Vannary - Youm Os Tirk Pnake
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Recorded in raw, bare bones conditions, mostly live and with traditional Cambodian instruments finding their place alongside found keyboards or guitars, the music of the Khmer rock musicians transformed the nightlife of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh — and many years later seduced countless listeners around the world with their groovy sound.
The rise to power of the anti-Western, fanatical Khmer Rouge
in 1975 caused drastic and permanent changes for Cambodia. These years saw social upheaval in the form of massive famines, selective executions and a brutal campaign of genocide responsible for the deaths of an estimated two million Cambodians, many in the notorious “killing fields.” Even the most famous and beloved Khmer musicians could not escape.
Sinn Sisamouth (“the Emperor of Khmer Music”), Ros Sereysothea (“The Golden Voice of the Royal
Capital”), and Pan Ron met their deaths at the hands of the Khmer Rouge. The music of these honored musicians and others live on in this exclusive 2xLP edition, assembled with much love and respect for the artists who made the Khmer rock scene as thrilling as we find it to be.
The music is wild and anarchic, rhythmic and undulating, sometimes sweet and lyrical, but always moving. Cambodia Rock Spectacular! captures that deep soulfulness ingrained in the best music; and along with its sister album, Cambodia Rock Intensified!, it is perhaps the most definitive collection of classic Cambodian rock music to appear on the scene to date.