the gaslamp killer - all killer, finders keepers 1-20 mixed - twisted nerve - cd

TN 088CD - 51036 - ukcd - €16.50
Genre: Wave / Pop / Rock - Psych
1. Lubos Fiser - The Sermon / John Hill - Europa / Jan Jankeje - South Indian Line
2. Spectre - Arkham / Chris Harwood - Wooden Ships / Susan Christie - Paint A Lady / Jean-Jacques Dexter - Be Quite
3. Amrals Trinidad Cavaliers Steel Drum Orchestra - The World Is A Ghetto / Jean-Claude Vannier - Les Garde Volent au Secours du Roi
4. Jean-Claude Vannier - L Enfant la Mouche et les Allumettes / L Enfant au Royaume des Mouches
5. Stanley Myers - Sitting Target Main Theme / Solitaire / Omega - Kergeskezu favagok / Sevil and Ayla - Bebek
6. Zafer Dilek - Yekte / Yamasuki - Kono Samourai / Sarolta Zalatnay - Hadd Mondjam El / Selda - Yaylalar
7. Ersen - Gunese Don Cicegim / Pierre Cavalli - Un Soir Chez Norris
8. Vampires of Dartmoore - Dance Of The Vampires / Sarolta Zalatnay - Egyser / Mustafa Ozkent - Burcak
9. Sarolta Zalatnay - Zold Borostyan / The Stylers - For You / Mustafa Ozkent - Silifke
10. Mustafa Ozkent - Zeytinyagi / Susan Christie - Europa (Poetry) / Jiri Slitr
11. John Hill - Amalthea / Ersen - Zalim
12. Bruno Spoerri - Les Electroniciens / Jiri Slitr and Jiri Sust - Girlies, Girlies

Late last year, Finders Keepers Manchester celebrated their 20th conquest, celebrated with this release, spanning much FK past output – 20 releases - and put together by LA's Gaslamp Killer. Check!
Naturally Finders Keepers didn't really know all this until recently... “we just know him as Will - a fellow attendee at Workaholics Anonymous who invited us to come and play in LA. (where he still appears every single Wednesday at his legendary club night Low End Theory). It's 'rare people' like Will who remind us why we do what we do - a vinyl junkie who plays by the rules but bends them all beyond recognition with enough enthusiasm to keep the most skeptical crowd happy on either side of the DJ booth. Which is why, after 20 releases, with a choice of 2380000 DJ friends we had to ask GLK to rock our party in the form of this DJ mix”.
Scrambled, sampled, angle-poised and untangled, 'All Killer' hears GLK at his best - given envious carte blanche on our vast musical palette featuring tracks that have previously been savored and championed by the likes of Madlib, Oh-No, Artic Monkeys, Percy P, Erykah Badu, Jarvis Cocker, Koushek, Future Sound Of London and Morrissey amongst others!