nobody presents blank blue - western water music vol 2 - ubiquity - vinyl

URLP 229 - 45524 - us2lp - €18.90
New Copy
Genre: Wave / Pop / Rock - Folk (tronics)
1. "A New Design"
2. "Eyes Closed"
3. "Sonic What?!"
4. "All The Shallow Deep"
5. "Blank Blue"
6. "Circles In Circles"
7. "Faces"
8. "The Spectral Company"
9. "Ignite"
10. "In The Swim"
11. "Sea Roars Lead"
12. "Up"

Elvin Estela, aka Nobody, and singer Niki Randa are Blank Blue. “Western Water Music Vol. II” is a really nice album for the headz and dives deep into psychedelic and folktronic music. Check!