chin chin - chin chin - def jux - cd
881592B - 45379 - uscd - €19.90
Genre: Wave / Pop / Rock - Pop
1. "Miami"
2. "Appetite"
3. "You Can't Hold Her"
4. "Curtis"
5. "Hey Hey"
6. "Where Is My Time"
7. "Dontchusee"
8. "Ohio"
9. "Mr Sexy Boy"
10. "Toot D'Amore"
11. "Cotillon"
12. "Le Petit Mort"
13. "Step By Step"
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Stirring together elements of funk, jazz, disco, rock and R & B, Brooklyn's Chin Chin have created an alchemical brew. Joining comtemporaries such as Justice and Out Hud, Chin Chin uses world music rhythms, disco-bass and R & B styling to make tuneful, danceable modern funk. The first non-hip hop release for Definitive Jux.