black rain - computer soul - blackest ever black - vinyl

BLACKEST 072 - 107374 - uk12'' - €13.99
New Copy
Genre: Wave / Pop / Rock
1. City of Atomic Ghost
2. Blood Rain & Star Jelly
3. Computer Souls
4. Black Mother Kali Gandaki

Black Rain returns with Computer Soul: the final part of a sequence of Blackest Ever Black releases that began with 2011's Now I’m Just A Number: Soundtracks 1994-95, and a first glimpse of the project’s richly imagined future.
For this outing Stuart Argabright (Ike Yard, Dominatrix, Death Comet Crew) is joined by BR founder member Shinichi Shimokawa as well as more recent recruit Soren Roi and Zanias (vocalist on 2015’s Dark Pool) - making for the most most group-oriented iteration of Black Rain since its earliest days. Sonically too, there is a sense of evolution but also of coming full circle: the cyberpunk techno of Argabright’s celebrated William Gibson soundtracks (compiled on Now I’m Just A Number) and extrapolations of Dark Pool’s neuromantic yearning cut with glimpses of the thrash and industrial rock energies that animated Black Rain’s incendiary live shows - and sought-after tapes for Kombinat and TPOS - in the early 90s.