circling vultures - game of chance - l.i.e.s. - vinyl

LIES112 - 104104 - us12' - €13.50
New Copy
Genre: Techno / Electro
1. Game Of Change
2. Cut With The Kitchen Knife
3. The Age Of Revolt
4. Suicided By Society

Chicago's Justin Aulis Long and Ken Zawacki return to L.I.E.S. with their second ep under their Circling Vultures moniker. On this offering we get four tracks of tough yet psychedelic machine music. From slow bpm beaters to metal on metal floor cuts, these are executed with precision to do maximum damage whenever played. Sinking their teeth in and never letting go, looming over and waiting for the right moment to strike...tense music for the end times! Another killer from these seasoned club vets.